The Balance of Being

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Benefits of Meditation

I have been meditating haphazardly for years, but it wasn’t until the last year and a half that I began meditating daily.  I had a long run of traumas that were building up to the point that I was having suicidal ideations.  On a good day, I wanted to get in my car with my dog, all the cash I had on hand (which was usually in the red) and see where I ended up; on a bad day, I couldn’t get out of bed.  The only thing that kept me from checking out was my kids.  It got to the point where I hated being around myself.  I was angry, hurt, and looking for anything or anyone to save me.  It never occurred to me that I could do that for myself.

Being isolated due to COVID, was a blessing to me.  It forced me to start taking a good, hard look at myself which brought up questions that just didn’t seem to have answers.  I decided it was time to start figuring some things out and threw myself into my spiritual development like I never had before.  I began meditating every single morning, sometimes more if I was in a particularly stressful situation and I noticed that things were starting to change.  Here are some of the really cool things that have happened within me since I began my meditation practice:

Increased Mind/Body awareness:

Because I am an empath, I not only feel all of my own emotions, but I can feel others’ as well.  Meditating has allowed me to decipher what is mine and what belongs to others.  When all that I am left with is my own emotions, I can work with them.  They become tolerable and I can be confident that I will be able to feel them long enough to be able to let them process through me and release back to Source where they are “recycled”.

I have become more rational:

Level-headed is not usually what a person thinks of when thinking of me.  I’m a warrior and my first inclination is to draw my sword and fight first; ask questions later (this happens to many of us when we feel like we are cornered and there is nowhere left to go).  Everything was packed so tightly around me that anything that was not in my flight plan became an intolerable irritant that I had to get rid of it as quickly as possible.  Usually this meant screaming or crying it away.

I notice that my hand will still go to my sword (I want to argue or fight), but I am now able to stand firm, listen and try to understand first.  I cannot tell you how helpful this is in life.  I used to watch myself freak out over nearly everything, now I gather information and let it all settle in before I respond.  I have not had a reason to fight for a while now. 

Increased patience and an overall sense of calm:

I am a fast mover.  I walk fast, I think fast, and I can make a hell of a mess out of something fast.  Patience has not been one of my virtues.  Since I began meditating, I have noticed that I am calmer, and hence, more patient.  Others have noticed it too.  I often hear remarks about how patient I am.  It sure feels better than being impatient and in a hurry all the time.  It’s amazing how many wonderful things are going on around us when we stop and take a look.

Increased sense of personal power and control:

I decided to see where I was with myself, I realized that I tend to give my power away to others.  As I stated earlier, I was always looking for others to change me and my life for me.  When I blame others for not taking care of the things that are happening in my life, I abscond myself from all responsibility.  That is giving away my power.  I don’t do that as much anymore.  Once in a while I will catch myself trying to duck and hide, but mostly I take responsibility for my mistakes and the life that I am building for myself.

Increased trust in my Higher Power: 

This can be a doozy for me because I tend to be a control freak.  I know it’s all an illusion and that the only thing I can control is myself, but I will still buy into the illusion.  Meditation has given me a broader awareness of the me mechanics taking place in relationships between people, places and things.  I find that when I feel like I know what’s going on, I don’t have to “freak” out in fear.  I’m okay knowing that even when I think I know what is going on, there is almost always something more being choreographed behind the scenes by Creator.  The Universe delights in providing us with something we wanted in the most unexpected way!   

Enormous increase in the ability to love myself and others: 

I think I’m pretty cool person.  I hope you think so too, but if you don’t, well, you don’t.  That’s okay, I have myself and I think I’m a pretty darn interesting, fun, intelligent and humorous person.  I can say that I am actually starting to love myself!  The interesting thing about self-love is that when we have it, it emanates from us and touches everyone around us.  I have found that people are more kind and loving towards me when I respect and love myself.

These are just some of the benefits that I have gained thus far from daily meditation.  I’m not perfect with any of them, and it is all a work in progress as I become more of the person I know I can be.  I imagine you will experience the same or similar from your own meditation practice, so find a quiet spot, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and enjoy the journey.

Happy Meditating!